
Discover Plan

Discover Plan

This is our base plan and offers members a cost-effective solution to protect themselves and their livelihood in the event they’re ever involved in a self-defense situation. If you’re a gun owner who carries your weapon outside the home, selecting The Discover Plan can help shield you from the negative consequences that may result from a self-defense incident.



Every Plan Includes:

  • Nationwide network of 400+ attorneys
  • 24/7/365 access to an attorney-answered emergency hotline
  • Legal representation in criminal and civil cases
  • Zero attorneys’ fees for covered events – no limits, caps, or deductibles
  • Legal updates, state-specific guides, and unlimited access to our educational resources

Red Flag Coverage

Coverage that protects you in the event you’re served with a red flag order, including an extreme risk protection order, risk warrant, or gun violence restraining order.

Red Flag Coverage

Coverage that protects you in the event you’re served with a red flag order, including an extreme risk protection order, risk warrant, or gun violence restraining order.

Red flag coverage not
currently available in Texas

Bystander Coverage

Coverage when you’re not criminally charged but are brought into the legal system through no fault of your own as a result of having been witness to, or possessing evidence regarding, another’s threat of force or use of force or deadly force.

Accidental Discharge Coverage

Criminal and civil defense coverage after an unintentional and involuntary discharge of a firearm or other lawful weapon.


Add EmergencyShield for $19.95/Month

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Assess if the Discover Plan Is Right for You.

Assess if the Discover Plan Is Right for You.