A Bike Sale Turned Self-Defense

A Bike Sale Turned Self-Defense

While attempting to sell a dirt bike in a grocery store parking lot, Justin and his friend found themselves held at gunpoint by the supposed buyer. Both Justin and his friend were carrying, and in a moment of distraction, opened fire on the thief to defend themselves. Once the thief was no longer a threat, they stopped shooting and instructed someone to call 911.

As an off-duty officer arrived to administer aid to the thief, additional policed arrived, cuffed Justin and his friend, and took them both to the station. In this critical time, Justin complied with the police and then at the first available moment, called U.S. LawShield®. Justin’s attorney advised him to ask the police if he was free to go. The police stood in front of the door, attempting to intimidate Justin, but eventually they released him and his friend without filing any charges. All the while, the attorney spoke with Justin’s wife, giving her multiple updates over the course of the situation.

Justin’s attorney went on to clear his name, saving him hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential legal fees.

Everybody should have it.

“I asked my lawyer after the fact, ‘Okay, if we did not have this insurance coverage, what would I have paid?’”

Justin’s attorney told him that her retainer is $75,000, but based on billable hours and work that goes on behind the scenes, Justin would’ve had a full bill of $125,000. If he hadn’t had U.S. LawShield, he felt this was an amount he could only have covered by selling his house. Justin likens having U.S. LawShield to AAA for firearm owners.

“Everybody should have it. You never plan for a breakdown, but when it happens, you’re sure glad you have [coverage].”

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