Member Stories

Member Stories

You might think the worst will never happen to you. Yet, American gun owners use firearms in self-defense about 1.7 million times a year. When you do the math, the likelihood of being involved in a potentially life-altering self-defense incident is greater than you may think. Our members have lived through these kinds of experiences. They’re sharing their stories to help you understand the true value of having U.S. LawShield® by your side.
You might think the worst will never happen to you. Yet, American gun owners use firearms in self-defense about 1.7 million times a year. When you do the math, the likelihood of being involved in a potentially life-altering self-defense incident is greater than you may think. Our members have lived through these kinds of experiences. They’re sharing their stories to help you understand the true value of having U.S. LawShield® by your side.
  • Florida

    Stepping in to protect restaurant patrons wasn’t even a question for Drew. Neither was who he would turn to afterwards to legally protect him.

  • Plano, TX – Member Since 2021

    Bill’s story shows the level of knowledge we provide for those who travel and require the protection of Multi-State Coverage. Being a responsible firearm owner is Bill’s job. Educating members on the firearm laws from...

  • Wylie, TX – Member Since 2015

    Justin’s story highlights the invaluable legal protection an attorney can offer immediately afteran unthinkable event. During what should have been a simple bike sale, Justin found himself having to defend his life and later...

  • Tulsa, OK – Member Since 2017

    John’s story is a testament to the level of service our members can expect in any type of self-defense situation, any time of day. A U.S. LawShield® network attorney helped John navigate his options when he had to defend...

  • Ohio

    Displaying her weapon to protect her family left Aaliyah feeling scared for her future. U.S. LawShield was there for her at every step.

  • California

    When David discharged his weapon in a moment of self-defense, U.S. LawShield was there to help him defend his legal rights.