Member Stories

Member Stories

You might think the worst will never happen to you. Yet, American gun owners use firearms in self-defense about 1.7 million times a year. When you do the math, the likelihood of being involved in a potentially life-altering self-defense incident is greater than you may think. Our members have lived through these kinds of experiences. They’re sharing their stories to help you understand the true value of having U.S. LawShield® by your side.
You might think the worst will never happen to you. Yet, American gun owners use firearms in self-defense about 1.7 million times a year. When you do the math, the likelihood of being involved in a potentially life-altering self-defense incident is greater than you may think. Our members have lived through these kinds of experiences. They’re sharing their stories to help you understand the true value of having U.S. LawShield® by your side.