EmergencyShield™ Plan
EmergencyShield™ Plan
When you need an attorney, you need one now! EmergencyShield provides access to immediate legal assistance from a qualified attorney for any covered personal legal emergency, 24/7/365. From personal injury to criminal charges and beyond, EmergencyShield is access to immediate legal support and guidance on-call the moment you need it, not just when you can find it.
Every Plan Includes:
Nationwide network of 400+ attorneys
24/7/365 access to an emergency hotline
Immediate 72-hour legal assistance after a covered legal emergency
Legal assistance for a wide range of emergency issues, including criminal and civil events
Timely updates on changes to laws and personal safety education
Anything Can Happen.
Anything Can Happen.
That’s Why We Created the EmergencyShield Plan.
That’s Why We Created the EmergencyShield Plan.
Criminal Accusations
If you’re ever arrested or accused of a crime, having immediate legal guidance to help you understand your rights is critical. Our network of 400+ attorneys are well-prepared to help you navigate the legal process.
If you are pulled over and accused of drunk driving, an attorney can do the talking for you.
Unlawful Search
If you are unlawfully searched, an attorney is the voice you need to protect your constitutional rights.
False Accusations
If you have been accused of a crime, an attorney can help you determine a course of action.
Accidents and Injuries
After an accident, an attorney can advise you on next steps to help shield you from liability or preserve your claim against another party.
Car Accident
If you're in a car accident and the other driver blames you, an attorney can provide direction regarding next steps.
No Warning Sign
Should you suffer an accident in a place of business for which they are responsible, an attorney can help you determine a course of action.
Faulty Equipment
If your child suffers an injury at a playground due to faulty equipment, an attorney can provide consultation to help you determine what to do next.
Family Emergencies
Relationships are complicated and you might experience a situation where you’re involved in a sudden child custody dispute or protective orders are warranted. Family matters like this necessitate urgent legal assistance. Time is critical in these cases and having access to an on-call attorney can help ensure everyone’s safety and security.
Domestic Violence
It takes courage to leave an abusive relationship. An attorney can help you ascertain the proper legal steps to take in order to keep yourself safe.
Parental Rights and Child Custody
A sudden child custody issue can be scary for a whole family. An attorney can provide consultation on your potential courses of action so you can make the decisions that are best for your child and family.
If you are served with divorce papers, an attorney can help you understand the initial legal steps you may need to take.
Estate and Probate Issues
With immediate access to an attorney, you can do your part to help protect your family member’s legacy and potentially avoid unnecessary family disputes.
Death in the Family
Grief is tough and legal matters can be stressful. An attorney can help you understand the first steps you may need to take in order to handle estate distribution.
A contested will can cause additional pain in a time of grief. An attorney can help you determine how to proceed.
Have you been named the executor of an estate? An attorney can provide preliminary guidance to help you begin the process of carrying out the wishes of a loved one.
Protection of Rights
If you’re ever in a situation where you feel your rights are being violated, you may need an attorney to help you understand your rights and options. Your experience could range from race or gender discrimination to harassment in the workplace and beyond.
Search and Seizure
In the event you’re pulled over and your car is unlawfully searched, an attorney can help stabilize the situation and provide direction regarding further action if necessary.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment in the workplace is an unfortunate reality. Should it happen to you, an attorney can help you understand your legal options for protecting your rights.
If you feel you’re being racially discriminated against during a housing search, an attorney can provide guidance regarding the legal recourse that may be available to you.